Let massage help reconnect your body with your mind.

Growth-minded massage therapists bringing you engaged, personalized, professional bodywork.

  • Best for one area of focus work, or exclusively cupping work. Book Now

  • Best for one or two focus areas or a full body relaxation massage. Book Now

  • Best for a full body massage with one or two focus areas. Book Now

  • Best for full body with multiple areas of focus. Book Now

  • Come with a friend, partner or loved one to learn how to give each other massages! Each person will have at least 45 minutes of hands on time (both receiving and giving). Book Now

Our Services

Isaac Islas, LMT

Isaac has been a massage therapist for ten years. He completed his massage education at the National Holistic Institute of massage in California. Isaac truly tailors his massages to the unique needs of each and every client. He focuses on the origin and insertion of muscles in his massage as a means of loosening chronic tension. His massages feel energetically realigning due to his subtle integration of shiatsu modalities; he is able to work on the most tender spots with immense care and attention, while also catering to those clients looking for deep tissue work. His clients get up from the table feeling like their issues were truly addressed, with a greater sense of centeredness and presence in their bodies.

About the Therapists

Emilia Zimmerman, LMT

Passionate about care for the human vessel and mind, Emilia embarked on her path as a massage therapist in 2017. Being a collegiate runner and continuing her athleticism through biking, running, yoga, and her own self care in physical therapy, she has much empathy and understanding for what it takes to maintain a healthy body.

After her traditional massage training, Emilia studied Ashiatsu; a massage technique utilizing bars above the table for leverage and support as she applies firm grounding pressure with her feet. Ashiatsu allows for long gliding movements balanced with deep compressions. The pressure can be as light or deep as the client wants. The technique of Ashiatsu is beautiful in the symbiosis it allows between practitioner and client. It encourages good posture for both parties, and is deeply relaxing for the client as it builds strength in the practitioner. It really is a win-win. Her style now rooted in the grounding pressure of Ashiatsu is constantly evolving as she tackles each clients needs with the fervor of a life student. Her authentic care is felt immediately upon meeting her.

Contact Us

Do you have a question about massage for office events? Could you or someone you know benefit from a massage but feel you do not have the means? Would you like to learn about our referral discounts? Feel free to reach out with an inquiry of any sort. We would love to hear from you!